Just added a Christmas Countdown Counter... oh my.. 94 days until Christmas! That doesn't seem possible.. where did summer go?? I know I am ahead of the game a little (I know, I know..tomorrow is the FIRST day of Fall) However, we are hosting my husbands family this year, which I am excited about!!! And with Five children at home this mom needs to check the budget a few times and start asking what are those top gift wishes.. we all know they change every other week.. so I need to be on the look out for the "repeats" ;) My sweet husband has been working hard on a few honey-do's here and there, thanks hon! (and a special thanks to Dan too!!) and already trying to figure out the Christmas game plan. So if you see Christmas posts/ideas popping up.. now you know.. that's where my head is at already.. skipped right over Halloween and Thanksgiving.. OH~! and if you know of any great idea sites please share!
~Jen :)