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Monday, September 28, 2009

New Blog List Addition

I came across a blog this morning that made me cry...out of frustration that my father in law is so far away. I just added it to my Blog List it is called Moving Forward With Alzheimer's. http://movingforwardwithalzheimer's.blogspot.com

Friday, September 25, 2009


www.rejuvination.com Classic Light Fixtures and Restoration Hardware!!! ooh..I could go crazy and buy a bunch of new door knobs and plates and fixtures.. very cool stuff! Check it out!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


paint guru, pure design, mansion21, & Laurel Ridge Homes

Belgian Pearls ~

I just started following a fabulous blog called "Belgian Pearls".. Fantastic PHOTOS OF THE CASTLES and that whole style is so what I love... check it for yourselves ~ Fab~

Monday, September 21, 2009

Christmas On My Mind...

Just added a Christmas Countdown Counter... oh my.. 94 days until Christmas! That doesn't seem possible.. where did summer go?? I know I am ahead of the game a little (I know, I know..tomorrow is the FIRST day of Fall) However, we are hosting my husbands family this year, which I am excited about!!! And with Five children at home this mom needs to check the budget a few times and start asking what are those top gift wishes.. we all know they change every other week.. so I need to be on the look out for the "repeats" ;) My sweet husband has been working hard on a few honey-do's here and there, thanks hon! (and a special thanks to Dan too!!) and already trying to figure out the Christmas game plan. So if you see Christmas posts/ideas popping up.. now you know.. that's where my head is at already.. skipped right over Halloween and Thanksgiving.. OH~! and if you know of any great idea sites please share! ~Jen :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ballard Designs


not sure where I saved these from, if it's yours please let me know and I'll give you credit.. LOVE THEM!

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"The best sermons are lived, not preached" ~unknown
Never Explain --- your friends don't need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway. ~Elbert Hubbard
1 Corinthians 10:24
"You're always going to find new things--it's not like you decorate it and it's done. Nothing's ever done." ~ Annie Selke
Proverbs 31:20
1 Peter 4:9
"Use Hospitality to One Another With Out Grudging"
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